Ow-up will be needed to determine whether HCV cure through the use of direct-acting antivirals among HIV/ HCV coinfected elite controllers will make the risk for complications among these patients similar to their HIV monoinfected counterparts. Further studies will also be needed to determine the effects of antiretroviral therapy in this group of patients coupled to its risk/benefit ratio. Whereas
Studies evaluatingOns to the statistical methods used in this study.Studies evaluating the efficacy of directly administered antiretroviral therapy (DAART) for the treatment of HIV-infected individuals have yielded mixed results. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials by Ford and colleagues found no evidence overall for DAART benefit [1]. However, both the Ford anal
Lications, even after controlling for CD4+ Tcell level, sex, and older age. Chronic inflammation is thought to be associated with CD4+ T-cell depletion and higher levels of immune activation.[21,26] Similarly, HCV coinfection remained significantly associated with a higher prevalence of complications when individual immune activation markers were controlled for. This study found that HCV coinfecte
Espite successful HCV eradication. Other complications such as development of carcinoma may be more readily amenable to more rapid risk reduction with antiviral therapy. Further studies with long periods of follow-up will be needed to address these questions. Our study has several limitations. Not all patients had measures of immune activation documented in their study records and were therefore e
Es would most likely not have been affected. The measures of immune activation were not assessed at enrollment into the study cohort, and we therefore cannot make temporal inferences of a causal nature nor could we control for them in the multivariable Cox models. We used prevalence rate ratios (PRRs) to estimate the associations of interest as risk was our parameter of interest. We chose PRRs as
Es would most likely not have been affected. The measures of immune activation were not assessed at enrollment into the study cohort, and we therefore cannot make temporal inferences of a causal nature nor could we control for them in the multivariable Cox models. We used prevalence rate ratios (PRRs) to estimate the associations of interest as risk was our parameter of interest. We chose PRRs as
Es would most likely not have been affected. The measures of immune activation were not assessed at enrollment into the study cohort, and we therefore cannot make temporal inferences of a causal nature nor could we control for them in the multivariable Cox models. We used prevalence rate ratios (PRRs) to estimate the associations of interest as risk was our parameter of interest. We chose PRRs as
Es would most likely not have been affected. The measures of immune activation were not assessed at enrollment into the study cohort, and we therefore cannot make temporal inferences of a causal nature nor could we control for them in the multivariable Cox models. We used prevalence rate ratios (PRRs) to estimate the associations of interest as risk was our parameter of interest. We chose PRRs as