64188 - High DR Web Submission Directory - EpoRts 510681 DOi 10.1038srepnaturescientificreportsFigure 1. Representative 2D gel image of proteins altere http://64188.org/story.php?title=eports-510681-doi-10-1038srepnaturescientificreportsfigure-1-representative-2d-gel-image-of-proteins-altere EpoRts 510681 DOi 10.1038srepnaturescientificreportsFigure 1. Representative 2D gel image of proteins altered acutely in hypoxic rat lung. Total proteins 200 g of each and every time point have been subjected to a 2DE method Very first dimension, IPG strip, pH 47NL, 18 cm Second dimension 12 SDSPAGE. Proteins had been visualized by silver nitrate staining, and 43 proteins have been located to Tue, 25 Jul 2023 21:00:35 UTC en